2007年2月25日 星期日

英文用法(二)- 20 - 已訂正

Δ 英文正確用法指引(二) - 20 現在進行式(3)

Let's Go 6 的小朋友們,請在3月4日(日),上課前完成喔~

I am dancing now. ----------> O
I am danceing now. ---------> X
現在進行式是由“is / am / are“加上“現在分詞“所構成的,一般來說,只要在動詞字尾加上-ing就可以形成現在分詞,不過,有些動詞變成現在分詞時卻有較特別的規則。

1. 動詞的字尾式單一個“e“,須刪去“e“再加“-ing“
The little girl is smiling sweetly.

2. 動詞字尾是一個子音,而該子音之前又是一個單母音,重複字尾的字母一次,才加上-ing。
We are cutting trees.
I am beginning my work.

< Exercise 20 >
A. 請用現在進行式來填空
1. I __________ (swim).
2. Dad __________ (sail).
3. Peter __________ (row) a boat.
4. June and Joe __________(argue).
5. Ken __________ (run).
6. Mom __________ (sunbathe).
B. 請將下列的句子改成現在進行式
1. Timmy eats an apples.
- ________________________________________
2. The children rub their hands.
- ________________________________________
3. Susan bakes a cake.
- ________________________________________
4. Sam and John make a model.
- ________________________________________
5. I travel around the world.
- ________________________________________
6. Mom and Dad play chess.
- ________________________________________
7. We see the doctor in the clinic.
- ________________________________________

14 則留言:

匿名 提到...

1.I am swimming.
2.Dad is sailing.
3.Peter is rowing a boat.
4.June and Joe arguing.
5.Ken runing.
6.Mom is sunbathing.

1.Timmy eating an apples.
2.The children rubing their hands.
3.Susan baking a cake.
4. Sam and John making a model.
5. I traveling around the world.
6. Mom and Dad playing chess.
7. We seeing the doctor in the clinic.

匿名 提到...

1.I am swimming.
2.Dad is sailing.
3.Peter is rowing a boat.
4.June and Joe are argue.
5.Ken is running.
6.Mom is sunbathing.

1.Timmy eating an apples.
2.The children rubing their hands.
3.Susan baking a cake.
4.Sam and john making a model.
5.I traveling around the world.
6.Mom and Dad playing chess.
7.We seeing the doctor in the clinic.

匿名 提到...

A. / swimming / sailing / rowing / argueing / runing / sunbtheing /

B.1. Timmy eating an apples.

2. The children rubing their hands.

3. Susan baking a cake.

4. Sam and John making a model.

5. I traveling around the world.

6. Mom and Dad playing chess.

7. We seeing the doctor in the clinic.

匿名 提到...

1.I am swimming.
2.Dad is sailling.
3.Peter is rowwing a boat.
4.Jonh and Joe are arguing.
5.Ken is running.
6.Mom is sunbathing.
1.Tom eating an apples.
2.The children rubbing.
3.Susan baking a cake.
4.Som and Jonh making a model.
5.I traveling around the world.
6.Mom and Dad playing chess.
7.We seeing the doctor in the clinic.

恰奇 提到...


(A) 4. are arguing / 5. is running
(B) 全都沒加be動詞,請重寫!

(A) 4. are arguing
(B) 全都沒加be動詞,請重寫!

(A) 全都沒加be動詞,請重寫!
(B) 全都沒加be動詞,請重寫!

(A) 3. is rowing
(B) 全都沒加be動詞,請重寫!

匿名 提到...

4.June and Joe are arguing.

1.Timmy is eating an apples.
2.The children is ruding their hands.
3.Susan is baking a cake.
4.Sam and John are making a model.
5.I am traveling around the world.
6.Mom and Dad are playing chess.
7.We are seeing the doctor in the clinic.

匿名 提到...

1.Timmy is eating an apple.
2.The children are rubing thire hands.
3.Susan is baking a cake.
4.Sam and John making a model.
5.I am traveling around the world.
6.Mom and Dad are playing chess.
7.We are seeing the doctor in the clinic.

匿名 提到...

1. I am swimming.
2. Dad is sailing.
3. Peter is rowing a boat.
4. June and Joe are arguing.
5. Ken is running.
6. Mom is sunbathing.

1. Timmy is eating an apples.
2. The children is runing their
3. Susan is baking a cake.
4. Sam and John are making a model.
5. I am traveling around the world.
6. Mom and Dad are playing chess.
7. We are seeing the doctor in the clinic.

匿名 提到...

4.June and Joe are arguing.
5.Ken is runing.
1.Timmy is eating an apples.
2.The children is rubing their hands.
3.Susan is baking a cake.
4. Sam and John are making a model.
5. I am traveling around the world.
6. Mom and Dad are playing chess.
7. We are seeing the doctor in the clinic.

恰奇 提到...

Alice :
(B) 2.不是is而是are

Bunny :
(B) 4.少加are

Koko :
(A) 全對
(B) 2.不是is而是are

Maggie :
(A) 5. 2.不是runing而是running
(B) 2.不是is而是are

匿名 提到...

B.2 are

匿名 提到...

2.The children are rubing their hands.

匿名 提到...


匿名 提到...

4.June and Joe are arguing.
5.Ken is runing.
1.Timmy is eating an apples.
2.The children is rubing their hands.
3.Susan is baking a cake.
4. Sam and John are making a model.
5. I am traveling around the world.
6. Mom and Dad are playing chess.
7. We are seeing the doctor in the clinic.