2007年3月19日 星期一

BEST FRIENDS 4 Unit9 Lesson2

< New Language >
beat 搏動 / breathe 呼吸 / calcium 鈣
cheetah 印度豹 / fingerprint 指紋
mirror 鏡子 / pulse 脈搏 / pump 幫浦

< Exercise 3 >
History class is not more important than English.
English is not more important than history.
They are the same.
History class is as important as English class.
English is as important as history.

< Exercise 6 >

brain 頭腦 / heart 心臟 / stomach 胃 / lungs 肺
muscles 肌肉 / toenails 腳指甲 / fingernails 手指甲
blood 血液 / skin 皮膚 / bone 骨頭

The human body has lots of parts. You already know about eyes, arms and legs, but what about the inside of the human body?
Your brain is very important. It helps you think, it helps you see, it helps you feel, it helps you hear, it helps you move. It helps with a lot of things!
Your bones help you stand up correctly and keep your body straight. Half of your bones are in your hands and feet. Did you know that you have 27 bones in your hand?
When you cut your finger, you see blood. Your blood is red.
Your heart works hard. It beats and makes the blood go to all the parts of your body.
When you eat, your food goes to your stomach. Is your stomach big? Not as big as a cow's! Your stomach can hold about one liter. A cow's can hold 180 liters!
You need your lungs to breathe. When you are quiet, you breathe about 15 times a minute. When you are running, you breathe much faster.
Are you strong? Let's see your muscles! We have large and small muscles. We use large muscles to walk, climb or run and small muscles to smile.
Humans have both fingernails and toenails. For kids, it's better to have short fingernails, isn't it?
Finally, you need skin around your body. Skin is important to keep the inside of your body clean and safe.
