2007年4月16日 星期一

英文用法(二)- 30 - 已訂正

Δ 英文正確用法指引(二) - 30 撇號('s)

Let's Go 6 的小朋友們,請在4月21日(六),上課前完成喔~

He is Tom's uncle. -----> O
He is Tom uncle. -------> X
撇號('s)一般用在名詞後,表示"的"的意思,如:Ann's mother 安的媽媽、Mrs. Lee's eyes 李太太的眼睛,句子中是說『某人的』便要加"'s"了。

This is Jihn's car.
The girl's name is Lucy.
The pig's tail is short and fat.

She studies in a girls' school.

< Exercise 30 >

1. Anget : He is my teacher.
Q : Who is that man?
A : ______________________________.

2. Benny, Johnny : She is our mother.
Q : Who is that woman?
A : ______________________________.

3. < Boy's School >
Q : What is this school?
A : ______________________________.

4. < Tom's Bicycle >
Q : Whose bicycle is this?
A : ______________________________.

5. John : He is my brother.
Q : Who is that boy?
A : ______________________________.

6. Monica : It is my dog.
Q : Whose dog is it?
A : ______________________________.

7. < Maggie's Bag >
Q : Whose bag is it?
A : ______________________________.

6 則留言:

匿名 提到...

1.He is Anget's teacher.
2.She is Bunny,Johnny's mother.
3.This is boy's school.
4.This is Tom's bicycle.
5.He is John's brother.
6.It is Monica's dog.
7.It is Maggie's bag.

匿名 提到...

1. He is Anget's teacher.

2. She is Bunny,Johnny's mother.

3. This is Boy's school.

4. This is Tom's bicycle.

5. He is John's brother.

6. It is Monica's dog.

7. It is Maggie's bag.

匿名 提到...

1.He is Anget's teacher.
2.She is Benny, Johnny's mother.
3.This school is boy's school.
4.This is Tom's bicycle.
5.That boy is John's brother.
6.It is Monica's dog.
7.It is Maggie's bag.

匿名 提到...

1.He is Anget's teacher.
2.She is Benny, Johnny's mother.
3. This is Boy's school.
4.This is Tom's bicycle.
6.It is Monica's dog.
7. It is Maggie's bag.

恰奇 提到...


Alice :
2. She is Benny and Johnny's mother.
3. It is a boys' school.
4. It is

Koko :
2. She is Benny and Johnny's mother.
3. It is a boys' school.
4. It is

Maggie :
2. She is Benny and Johnny's mother.
3. It is a boys' school.
4. It is

Gigi :
2. She is Benny and Johnny's mother.
3. It is a boys' school.
4. It is
5. He is John's brother.

匿名 提到...

2. She is Benny and Johnny's mother.
3. It is a boys' school.
4. It is