2007年4月14日 星期六


< Exercise 1 >
Joe : Sam! What's the matter with you? You look terrible!
Sam : Oh, I feel terrible!
Joe : Does your head hurt?
Sam : No, my stomach hurts.
Joe : Your stomach hurts? You have to go to the school nurse.
Sam : How do I get to her office?
Joe : Go straight and turn right. Her office is on the left.
Sam : Her office is on the left. OK. That's east.
Joe : I'll go with you.
Sam : Thanks.

< Exercise 9 >
Joe : Nurse Brown! My friend is sick.
Nurse : Hi Sam, what's the matter?
Sam : My stomach hurts!
Nurse : Did you have breakfast today?
Sam : Yes, I did.
Nurse : What did you have?
Sam : I had soda and cookies.
Nurse : Soda and cookies for breakfast?
Sam : Yes, my mom was taking a shower and I made breakfast.
Nurse : And what did you have for a snack?
Sam : I had chocolate and some more soda.
Nurse : What about lunch? Did you have lunch?
Sam : Yes, I has soda and chips.
Nurse : Your stomach hurts because you didn't eat healthy food!
Sam : No way!
Nurse : Of course! You can't have cookies and soda and chips all day! You'll always be sick.
Sam : What do I do now?
Nurse : Stay here with me for a few minutes and be sure to have a good dinner with salad and vegetables and fruit. No soda, no chips, no cookies!
Sam : Okay.
Joe : Bye Sam, see you later!

< Questions >
1. Who was talking?
- Joe, Sam, Nurse Brown.
2. Where were they talking?
- In the nurse's office.
3. Why was Sam in the nurse's office?
- He was sick.

< False >
1. Sam didn't go to see the school doctor. He went to see the school nurse.
2. Sam didn't have eggs, cereal, and juice for breakfast. He had soda and cookies.
3. Sam didn't have a healthy snack. He had an unhealthy snack.

< Ask >
1. Did you have a good breakfast today?
2. What did you have?
3. Who had soda last week?
4. Where did you have it?
5. When did you have it?
6. Can we have soda for lunch at school?
7. Did you go to see the school nurse because you didn't eat healthy food?
8. Did you go to see the nurse with another problem?
9. Did your head/arm/leg/hand hurt?
10. Is the school nurse important?
11. Is the school nurse as important as a teacher?
12. Less important than a teacher?
13. The most important person in the school?
14. If not, who is the most important person in the school?
