2007年4月28日 星期六

Lv.3 Listening

Page 6 - Part A
第六頁 A大題 填填看

Write the numbers of each thing Penny and Ken want to buy.
Take look at the pictures for five seconds. - 請利用五秒鐘,看一下圖片。

Penny : Are you going to the bookstore?
Ken : Yes, I am. I want to buy four new pens. Do you want to buy anything?
Penny : Yes, I do. I want ten new pencil boxes. What other things do we have to buy?
Ken : Let’s look. How many crayons do you want?
Penny : I want to buy thirteen crayons.
Ken : I don’t need any crayons. I want six pencils.
Penny : What about glue?
Ken : I want one bottle of glue. And you? Do you want any glue?
Penny : I want two bottles of glue.
Ken : OK. We want three bottles of glue.
Penny : Do you want any scissors?
Ken : Yes, I want five scissors. Do we need any papers?
Penny : No, we don’t.
Ken : Is that everything?
Penny : No, it’s not. I want to buy seven erasers and one calendar, too.
Ken : Now, it that everything?
Penny : Yes, I think so.
Ken : Ok. Let’s go!

Page 7 - Part B
第七頁 B大題 勾勾看

Check the correct answers.

Jenny : It’s a nice day to play golf. Who can play with me? First, I’m going to ask my Dad. Dad, Dad...
Dad : Yes, Jenny.
Jenny : Dad, where are you?
Dad : I’m in the living room.
Jenny : Dad, do you want to play golf with me?
Dad : I’m sorry, honey. I can’t play now. My arm is hurt.
Jenny : That’s Ok. Where’s Mom?
Dad : She’s in the bathroom. What’s she doing? She’s washing her hair.
Jenny : Oh, she can’t play now.
Dad : That’s right. You can ask your brother, Ken.
Jenny : Ok. I’m going to ask him. Where is he?
Dad : I don’t know.
Jenny : Ken, Ken...
Ken : Yes, Jenny.
Jenny : Where are you?
Ken : I’m in my bedroom. I’m talking on the telephone.
Jenny : Oh, sorry.
Ken : What do you want?
Jenny : I’m going to play golf. Do you want to come with me?
Ken : Yes, I do. Just give me a minute.
Jenny : Ok, I wait for you.

Page 8 - Part C
第八頁 C大題 填填看

What do Eve and Eric like to do? White a check in the right box.
Take look at the chart for five seconds. - 請利用五秒鐘,看一下表格。

Eve : Eric, look! It’s rainy.
Eric : Oh, no! I don’t like rainy days. I like sunny days.
Eve : But I like rainy days. I like to sit down on the sofa. And listen to music or watch TV on rainy days.
Eric : I don’t. I like to go out and play.
Eve : What do you like to play?
Eric : I like to play baseball and tennis with friends.
Eve : Baseball and tennis are good for you. What do you do at night?
Eric : I like to play some computer games at night.
Eve : Me too! Let’s play the game together tonight.
Eric : Good! You can come to my house.
Eve : Ok, see you tonight.

Page 9 - Part D
第九頁 D大題 填填看

Listen to the conversation and write the missing words.
Take look at the form for five seconds. - 請利用五秒鐘,看一下表格。

Q : Adam, do you have a dog?
Adam : Yes, I have a little dog. His name is Snow.
Q : Is Snow a white dog?
Adam : Yes, he is white.
Q : How old is your dog?
Adam : He is fourteen years old.
Q : Wow, he is an old dog.
Adam : Yes, he is old. So he sleeps so lot.
Q : What does he like to eat?
Adam : He likes to eat chicken and drink water.
Q : Do you play with him every day?
Adam : We play in the living room every day. He likes play ball and watch TV.
Q : Can I go to your house and play with your dog?
Adam : Yes. Let’s Go.
