2007年4月3日 星期二

英文用法(二)- 26 - 已訂正

Δ 英文正確用法指引(二) - 26 簡答形式

Let's Go 6 的小朋友們,請在4月12日(四),上課前完成喔~

Does Tom want some bananas? -Yes, he does. -----> O
Does Tom want some bananas? -Yes, he wants. -----> X

Do you like collecting stamps? --> Yes, I do.
Is he a postman? --> No, he isn't.
Are you happy? --> Yes, I am.
Were they in the office last night? --> No, they weren't.

《 適當的短答形式 》
肯定句:Yes, they do. 否定句:No, they don't.
肯定句:Yes, she does. 否定句:No, she doesn't.
肯定句:Yes, I am. 否定句:No, I am not.
肯定句:Yes, he is. 否定句:No, he isn't.
肯定句:Yes, we are. 否定句:No, we aren't.
肯定句:Yes, it was. 否定句:No, it wasn't.
肯定句:Yes, you were. 否定句:No, you weren't.

< Exercise 26 >

1. Does he work in a bank?
- No, ______________________________.
2. Were you a factory worker?
- No, ______________________________.
3. Are they playing a game?
- Yes, ______________________________.
4. Is she good at playing tennis?
- Yes, ______________________________.
5. Did your father go to work yesterday?
- Yes, ______________________________.
6. Does his brother study in your school?
- Yes, ______________________________.
7. Is the cat friendly?
- No, ______________________________.
8. Were my sons naughty last night?
- Yes, ______________________________.
9. Did Susan and Joe finish their homework?
- No, ______________________________.

9 則留言:

匿名 提到...

1.No, she doesn't
2.No, you weren't
3.Yes, they do
4.Yes, she does
6.Yes, you were
7.No, they don't
8.Yes, I am.
9.No, I am not.

匿名 提到...

1.No, he doesn't.
2.No, you weren't.
3.Yes, they are.
4.Yes, she is.
5.Yes, he did.
6.Yes, he does.
7.No,it isn't.
8.Yes, they were.
9.No, they didn't.

匿名 提到...

1.No,he doesn't.
2.No,I wasn't.
3.Yes,they are.
4.Yes,she is.
5.Yes,I did.
6.Yes,he does.
7.No,it isn't.
8.Yes,you were.
9.No,she didn't.

匿名 提到...

1.No,he doesn't.
2.No,I weren't.
3.Yes,they are.
4.Yes,she is.
5.Yes,I did.
6.Yes,he does.
7.No,it isn't.
8.Yes,I were.
9.No,they did.

匿名 提到...

1. No,he doesn't.

2. No,I weren't.

3. Yes,they are.

4. Yes,she is.

5. Yes,I did.

6. Yes,he does.

7. No,it isn't.

8. Yes,I were.

9. No,they did.

恰奇 提到...


Gigi :
- 雖然沒有一題寫對,但請不要氣餒,趕快做出訂正,繼續努力別放棄喔!
1. he doesn't
2. I wasn't
3. they are
4. she is
5. Yes, he did.
6. he dose
7. it isn't
8. they were
9. they didn't

Alice :
- 只錯一題而已,很不錯!有在認真喔!
2. I wasn't

Bunny :
5. he did
8. they were
9. they didn't

Maggie :
- 依妳的能力不應該錯4題,很不認真!不當一回事喔∼
2. I wasn't
5. he did
8. they were
9. they didn't

Koko :
- 請不要抄襲maggie,錯誤都一樣喔!
2. I wasn't
5. he did
8. they were
9. they didn't

匿名 提到...

2.I wasn't.

匿名 提到...

5.he did
8.they were
9.they didn't

匿名 提到...

2. I wasn't
5. he did
8. they were
9. they didn't